Código: | SS2210219 | Sigla: | DPS1 | |
Áreas Científicas: | SERVIÇO SOCIAL |
Sigla | Nº de Estudantes | Plano de Estudos | Anos Curriculares | Créditos | Horas Contacto | Horas Totais |
LSS1 | 67 | Aviso nº 16918/2022 de 30 de Agosto | 2º | 5 ECTS |
Teórico-Práticas: | 24,50 |
Inquéritos: | 0,00 |
Docência - Horas
Develop skills in the preparation of psychosocial diagnoses 1.1 Acquire theoretical knowledge in order to formulate social problems 1.2 Mobilise theoretical knowledge from different disciplinary backgrounds in order to understand the social factors that generate the problems that students observe in the internship context 1.3 Develop theoretical problems capable of breaking with common sense interpretations of social problems 1. 4 To be able to break down concepts into dimensions and their respective indicators, with a view to structuring observation and information-gathering processes 2. To exercise the lessons learnt in the social research methods and techniques subjects with regard to the process of observing, recording and analysing information relevant to the construction of a diagnosis.
I. General theoretical considerations on diagnosis 1.1 Diagnosis as an instrument for analysing and getting to know reality: delving into the dynamics of change, potential and obstacles with a view to designing solutions; 1. 1.2 The need for theoretical syntheses in order to formulate and analyse complex and multifaceted social problems: identifying the factors that contribute to the formation of the problems to be dealt with requires the development of a theoretical problem; 1.3 The close link between the interpretation of social problems and the identification of practices for change: the interaction between knowledge and action; II. Levels of diagnosis 2. 1 Pre-diagnosis: an exploratory phase of problem identification 2.2 Diagnosis: a) formulating social problems and identifying the potential/resources of the intervention environment; b) delving into the social factors that are at the root of the problems to be dealt with: identifying the causalities of problems requires the construction of various theoretical problems and the development of theoretical hypotheses to explain reality; 2. 3. The prioritisation of social problems and the definition of intervention priorities: the identification of possibilities for transformation and the identification of actors capable of sustaining a dynamic of change.
As the main aim of the course is to develop skills in preparing a psychosocial diagnosis, the syllabus is structured according to various requirements, including the following: the selection/articulation of a set of theoretical knowledge that is appropriate for understanding what a psychosocial diagnosis is, its main stages of preparation, the care to be taken in the process of constructing this tool and its relevance to the design of intervention programmes.
GUERRA, Isabel;Fundamentos e Processos de uma sociologia de Acção, Cascais, Principia, 2000 |
GAULEJAC, V., BONETTI, M., FRAISSE, J.;L'Ingénierie sociale, Paris, Syros, 1995 |
ALMEIDA, José Luís de; SOUSA, Paula;Avaliação Diagnóstica na Prática do Serviço Social, Viseu, PsicoSoma, 2016 |
ANDER-EGG, Ezequiel ;Investigacion y diagnostico para el trabajo social. , 2ª ed. Buenos Aires : Humanitas, 1990. ISBN: 950-582-201-5 |
ANDER-EGG, Ezequiel ; AGUILAR IDÁNEZ, María José ;Cómo elaborar un proyecto : Guía para disenar proyectos sociales y culturales., Argentina, Lumen, 1995 |
PEREZ SERRANO, Glória ;Elaboração de projectos sociais : casos práticos., Porto : Porto Editora, 2008. ISBN: 978-972-0-34857-9 |
The teaching-learning process is based on active dynamics, based on the presentation of films and social intervention experiences, duly supported by the use of the expository method, through the selection and articulation of the theoretical contributions that are indispensable for understanding the concept of psychosocial diagnosis. The pedagogy is essentially centred on analysing and reflecting on the diagnostic tools that will be presented by the lecturer and by different professionals who have been invited to talk about their experience of diagnostic assessment (in different fields of intervention).