Objectivos, Competências e Resultados de aprendizagem
1) To provide/consolidate knowledge of the main research methods in the social sciences and their foundations; 2) To provide/consolidate knowledge about information gathering techniques and their compatibility with research methods; 3) To provide/consolidate knowledge and skills for choosing research techniques and implementing them according to the subject and objectives of the research. 4) To develop analytical and operational skills in the field of data analysis, using instruments and methods that enable the description, inference and presentation of quantitative data; 5) Practical implementation of the different statistical data analysis methodologies using IBM SPSS software.
1. Methodology, methods and techniques 2. The role of theory in scientific research 3. Classic research methods: experimental; measurement or extensive analysis; case or intensive analysis 4. The action research method: research based on action on reality with the aim of transforming it 5. Main information-gathering techniques, affinities with the methods and fundamental characteristics 6. The virtuous relationship between research practice, reflection and the construction/validation of effective solutions to complex social problems 7. Quantitative approaches to analysing information 7.1 Descriptive and exploratory data analysis 7.2 Statistical inference of data: parametric and non-parametric hypothesis tests 7.3 Creation and validation of dimensions relating to "Evaluation Instruments": evaluation and psychometric validation of instruments 7.4 Application of the methodologies taught using IBM SPSS statistical software 7.5 Presentation of results in the form of a scientific article (APA)
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Demonstração da Coerência dos Conteúdos Programáticos com os Objetivos da UC
The curricular unit (CU) aims to provide theoretical foundations and operational tools for preparing and conducting research projects. The teaching and learning methodologies aim to ensure that the students develop the knowledge referred to in the syllabus of the course and achieve the established objectives and competences. Theoretical-practical classes are predominantly demonstrative (expository), with the aim of providing students with: (I) knowledge of the main research methods and techniques, based on their conceptual references and the requirements, possibilities and limits of their use, in order to allow them to make informed choices in this regard; (II) basic knowledge of Descriptive and Inferential Statistics and their application in a practical context, namely in solving concrete problems that allow them to apply the knowledge acquired.
Bibliografia Principal
Albarello, L. (2004).;Devenir praticien-chercheur: comment réconcilier la recherche et la pratique sociale.. ISBN: de Boeck.
Bryman, A. & Cramer, D. (1998).;Análise de Dados em Ciências Sociais. Introdução às técnicas utilizando o SPSS., Celta Editora.
Creswell, J. W. (2012).;Educational Research: Planning, Conducting, and Evaluating Quantitative and Qualitative Research (4ª ed.)., Pearson.
Hall, A., Neves, C. & Pereira, A. (2011). ;Grande Maratona de Estatística no SPSS. Escolar Editora. Hill, M.M. & Hill, A. (2008). Investigação por questionário. 2ª ed., Edições Sílabo.
Maroco, J. & Bispo, R. (2003). ;Estatística aplicada às ciências sociais e humanas., Climepsi Editores.
Maroco, J. (2018).;Análise Estatística com o SPSS Statiscs. 7ª ed. , ReportNumber.
Pestana, M. H & Gageiro, J. N. (2014). ;Análise de dados para Ciências Sociais. A complementaridade do SPSSS. 6ª ed., Edições Sílabo.
Silva, A. S. & Pinto, J. M. (Org.) (1896).; Metodologia das Ciências Sociais., Afrontamento.
Métodos de Ensino
Modo de Avaliação
Componentes de Avaliação e Ocupação registadas
Tempo (horas)
Data de Conclusão
Participação presencial (estimativa)
Demonstração da Coerência das Metodologias de Ensino com os Objetivos de Aprendizagem da Unidade Curricular
Since the aim of the subject is for students to acquire a body of knowledge, it is essential to invest in explaining it in a structured and coherent way, making it intelligible and understandable. However, this does not mean that these moments should be combined with others, which are complementary and certainly more involving and demanding for the students, in which they are challenged to organise and mobilise this knowledge when faced with concrete problems/exercises. The acquisition of skills in (quantitative) data analysis presupposes the use of teaching-learning strategies that involve students in practical work applying the knowledge they have learnt. The mere memorisation of content is not in line with the demands of experimentation in research practice.